Friday, June 15, 2007

Runaway Inflation Nightmare - May 2007

Let's take a look a the stagflationary nightmare that is the U.S. economy by examining the May CPI which just came out. Below we have a year-over-year graph of both the Core CPI and the Cleveland Fed's Median CPI:


Damn. That's really going to whip the deflation nutters into a frenzy.

Clearly something is wrong with these measures. And who cares about the inflation in Cleveland anyhow?

Let's see if we can filter the data to get a truer picture of what's going on...

That's better.

Now let's take a look at the headline CPI data (the one that includes food and energy, which some Washington bureaucrat apparently thinks we don't need) plotted in a year-over-year fashion. This one is unfiltered:

As you can see, overall inflation has been making quite a comeback recently. Since this data is more accurate than the previous set, I'm not going to take the time to filter it; I'd simply advise the reader to ignore the slowdown in the past couple of months.

That's all for now. I'll try to update this post later with a bunch of links to sites where you can buy gold online.

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